If You Are Serious About Learning How To Play Guitar, Here’s What You Need to Know: a blog about learning how to play guitar.
If you are someone that wants to learn how to play the guitar, then you have come to the right place.
So, why should you take guitar lessons from me?
Well, a number of reasons. First and foremost is that I am passionate about what I do. I love teaching the guitar! I don’t just teach my students how to play the guitar, I also teach them about music. After all, playing the guitar is not only about learning how to play certain songs and chords, it’s also about understanding music in general.
If You Are Serious About Learning How To Play Guitar, Here’s What You Need to Know:
If you are serious about learning how to play guitar, you must invest in yourself and your guitar education by taking lessons.
I don’t care if it feels like you’re not getting any better and practicing is doing nothing for you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re playing the wrong chords or if your timing is terrible.
It doesn’t matter if you’re learning at a snails pace or if you can’t seem to play anything that sounds good.
You must keep taking lessons with a good teacher because…
If You Are Serious About Learning How To Play Guitar, Here’s What You Need to Know:
The most important chord for you to learn first is the C chord.
It is the most essential and versatile chord, and once you can play it cleanly, you’ll find that a lot of other chords become easier to play.
When you’re playing a song on guitar, there are certain chords that come up over and over again, so if you can learn just these few chords, you’ll be able to play any songs that use these chords.
After learning how to play all the major chords, practice switching between them quickly. A beginner guitarist will often struggle with changing chords when playing a song. This is because their fingers aren’t strong enough or fast enough to move between frets in time.
Practice changing between C, F and G (I-IV-V) major chords. If you’re having trouble with this exercise, try practicing with only one finger at a time – moving your fingers one by one from fret to fret until they are all on the right fret position. Once they’re there, strum the chord!
The next step is to learn all the minor chords. These are the same as the major chords except for
If you are serious about learning how to play guitar, here’s what you need to know:
1. Learning how to play guitar is hard
2. But it will be worth it
3. You need to spend at least a few minutes each day practicing
4. Don’t forget to have fun!
5. The best way to learn anything is through doing it, so get started now!
If you are serious about learning how to play guitar, whether it be for rock, jazz or classical, you will have to take lessons. This is where most people fail. They assume that they can find free lessons on the net that will make them a master guitarist in no time flat.
This is not going to happen. You may get lucky and find some good sites with great lessons, but you are going to have to sift through a lot of bad sites before you get there. You will also waste a lot of time trying to locate these good sites by yourself.
This is why having a guitar teacher is so important. A good teacher will help you learn the songs that you want to play and will help you stay motivated as well as help correct you when you make mistakes.
You also need patience when learning how to play guitar. If the person teaching you does not have this then the teacher is not worth taking lessons from. The ability to play guitar comes with repetition and practice. If your teacher does not have patience then he or she will most likely give up on you after a few months or even weeks of lessons.
I’m not joking.
I know you’re probably thinking “Is he being serious? I’m not a beginner guitarist.”
If you can already play guitar, but want to learn how to play better, then I’m still talking about you.
If you’re an advanced player, but have never learned how to do the basics of learning guitar well, then I’m still talking about you.
If you think you’ve heard this story before and I’m just trying to sell you stuff… Well, maybe that’s true. But if it is, this is the only time I’ll ever admit it! So listen up!
For the sake of your musical future, I beg of you: Don’t shrug off this opportunity.
Have you ever wished you could play guitar like your favorite artist? Have you ever wanted to play songs of your own but never knew where to start?
Well, I have good news for you.
This is by far the most important information I’ll ever give you…
You can learn how to play guitar.
It’s fun and easy once you know what you’re doing. It’s not as hard as it looks. And it will change your life forever.
It has changed mine.