Guitar Parts and Accessories Common Guitar Parts and their Uses

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Guitar Parts and Accessories: Common Guitar Parts and their Uses: A blog about guitar parts, their uses, where to find them, how to take care of them, etc.

Guitars are wonderful instruments and playing one can be a fun and rewarding experience. Like any instrument though, you need the right tools to get the most out of your music making. One of the most important tools in your arsenal is the guitar itself. The right guitar can make or break your performance. The good news is that there are several different types of guitars available for whatever style you prefer to play. Take some time to look around and learn more about what each guitar has to offer so that you can find the one that works best for you!

Guitar Parts and Accessories: Common Guitar Parts and their Uses

A blog about guitar parts, their uses, where to find them, how to take care of them, etc.

Common Guitar Parts and their Uses

Guitars are composed of many different parts, each with its own function. Some parts can be easily replaced by the user while others require professional assistance. It is always important to know the basic guitar part names and what they do in order to better understand the instrument as a whole.


The bridge is a piece on the body of the guitar where the strings meet at a certain height above the fretboard. The bridge is often made up of two pieces: one for holding up the strings (bridge pins) and another which may be adjusted to change the string height (saddle). The distance between the bridge and the saddle is called action. If you find that your guitar needs some work with regard this distance, consult a professional luthier.


Tuners are machine heads that are used to increase or decrease tension on each individual string in order to tune it. Tuners are located on either side of the headstock (although some electric guitars have them on the body too). Tuning pegs can be made

Guitar Parts and Accessories: Common Guitar Parts and their Uses

A blog about guitar parts, their uses, where to find them, how to take care of them, etc.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Acoustic Guitar Saddle Types

It is a little known fact that most acoustic guitars are not designed with the saddle sitting flush with the bridge. The reason for this is because it allows the player to set the action of the guitar at the saddle height. This is done because each player has a different preference for string height and at what point they like to contact the frets. Some players prefer lower action (closer to the frets), while others prefer higher action (higher up away from frets).

Most acoustic guitar saddles are made of bone or plastic. Some are made of harder materials like tusq or hard plastic, while some are made of softer materials such as bone or soft plastic. The hardness of the saddle material determines how much intonation compensation you can get out of it. A hard saddle will not move as easily as a soft saddle will when you make adjustments to its length (intonation). This means that if you are making very minor adjustments to your intonation, it is often better to use a softer

Here at Guitar Parts and Accessories, we do our best to help you find the right accessories for your guitar. Whether you are a beginner or professional, we have what you need. We even have a local shop in case you are looking for something specific.

What are guitar parts?

We carry all kinds of different guitar parts. Some of our more popular items include:

Fretboard Dots: fretboard dots come in various sizes and shapes. They can be used to decorate your fretboard or help you find certain notes on your fretboard.

Guitar Tuners: guitar tuners come in many different types and sizes. If you are looking for a tuner that works well with your guitar, we have a variety of different ones available.

Guitar Picks: We carry a wide selection of different types of picks from Dunlop to Fender. If you are looking for a pick that will be perfect for your style of playing, we have it here at Guitar Parts and Accessories!

If you own an electric guitar, you may be interested in some of the guitar parts and accessories that are available for it. There are a number of different parts that make up an electric guitar, and as a guitarist, it is important that you know how to take care of them properly so that your guitar stays in good working order.

There are many different types of picks available, but most fall into one of two categories: plastic and metal. In general, plastic picks are better for rhythm playing because they tend to produce a warmer sound. Metal picks, on the other hand, are often used by lead guitarists who want to get a more aggressive sound out of their instrument.

A capo is a device that is used to raise the pitch of your strings so that you can play chords in keys other than the key of C. There are two main types of capos: clip-on capos and screw-on capos. Clip-on capos are easy to use because you just clip them onto the neck of your guitar at the fret where you want to play your chords. Screw-on capos work in a similar manner except that they clamp down on your strings with a screw instead of with a clip.

A tuner is a device that

All guitar parts and accessories are not the same. In fact, they each have their own unique functions. If you are looking to buy a guitar accessory, it is a good idea to know what each part does and how it can benefit you. Here is a quick guide to some of the most common guitar parts and accessories:

Tuning Pegs – These are the pegs that hold your strings in place. The primary function of tuning pegs is to keep your strings in tune. They also make it easy for you to change strings if you need to do so.

Frets – The frets on your guitar help determine the notes that will play when strumming or plucking a string. The more frets that your guitar has, generally speaking, the more notes it will be able to produce.

Strings – As previously mentioned, strings are used to play notes on your guitar. Strings can come in different materials, styles, and sizes depending on the type of music you want to play. If you are just starting out, it is recommended that you use nylon strings because they are easier to play than metal strings.

Strap – A strap is used to hold your guitar in place while you play. Most straps come with some form of padding

Most people know that there are many parts that make up a guitar. But what do those parts do and how do they work?

The Neck and Fingerboard:

Most people refer to the neck as the part of the guitar that has the frets, but technically it is just a long piece of wood that is attached to the body. The fingerboard is usually glued onto the neck and has metal frets embedded in it. The frets are what give you the different notes when you press down on them with your fingers.

The Bridge:

The bridge is where the strings attach to the guitar. It has several parts and can be confusing at first if you have never worked on guitars before. There are six saddles that hold each of the strings in place which are adjustable so you can adjust your intonation (more on this later). Many bridges also have a tune-o-matic style bridge which allows you to adjust your action (which is basically how high or low your strings are from your fretboard).

The Pickups:

Pickups, as their name implies, pick up sound from the strings and send them to an amplifier for amplification. There are many different types of pickups but the most common ones found in electric guitars are single coil pickups

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