The Electric Guitar is one of the most iconic instruments of all time. It’s been used to create some of the best songs ever written, and continues to be played all over the world. Yet the electric guitar has a glaring design flaw: it requires electricity to function.
Electric guitars require 10,000 times more energy than solar guitars. This makes them impractical for touring musicians, or for anyone who doesn’t have access to an electrical outlet.
The Solar Guitar is a new instrument that aims to solve this problem by utilizing the latest in photovoltaic technology. It’s powered by sunlight and can be used without a power cord or wall outlet. The Solar Guitar combines traditional craftsmanship with modern materials, resulting in an instrument that looks and feels like an acoustic guitar but sounds like an electric one!
In addition to its eco-friendly design, the Solar Guitar is a great option for touring musicians who want to save money on gas costs while still sounding great!
What’s wrong with the electric guitar? Well, if you’re a musician, ask yourself this: How many times have you dropped your guitar, broken a string, or smashed a knuckle while changing strings? I’m guessing quite a few. Now multiply that by how many guitars you own.
Now ask yourself how much time you spend playing each week. Let’s say you are serious enough to play three hours per day. If you break one string per day and change them once a week, that’s thirty-two broken strings in one year.
So the life of the average electric guitar is two years—and that is being generous. The acoustic guitar can last up to fifty years before it needs to be refretted or certain parts replaced. Don’t get me wrong—I love my electric guitars as much as anyone else; they just don’t last as long.
What’s Wrong With the Electric Guitar?
The electric guitar is a marvelous invention. Invented in 1931, the electric guitar was not commercially successful until 1954 when Fender introduced the Stratocaster. It has since become the most important instrument in rock music, featured in almost every rock song written after 1970. The sound of an electric guitar is produced by one or more pickups, which convert the vibrations of the strings into electrical signals that are amplified and sent to a speaker.
In addition to amplifying the sound by using a pickup, the electric guitar can be played through effects pedals that add distortion or other effects to the signal. Effects pedals include stomp boxes (e.g., wah-wah, distortion), rackmount units (e.g., flangers, phasers), and multi-effects units (e.g., chorus). Many players use multiple effects units at once to create different sounds from their instrument.
The Problem With Current Guitar Technology
Current electric guitars have many problems:
• They require a power source for amplification;
• They require batteries for effects pedals; and
• They must be plugged into speakers or amplifiers.
Solar is better for the environment, but even if you don’t care about that, it’s still better. In a strict sense, solar guitars are more pure and traditional than electric guitars.
The first electric guitar was invented in 1931 by George Beauchamp of the National String Instrument Corporation and Adolph Rickenbacker. They used a magnetic pickup to amplify the vibrations of the steel strings. The steel strings were an innovation by Orville Gibson in the late 1800s. Their predecessors were made of gut. What this means is that traditional acoustic guitars are more pure and authentic than electric guitars because they are made with more natural materials.
Solar guitars also make use of more natural materials. Magnetic pickups use magnets, which are made from rare earth elements like neodymium (NdFeB) or ferrite (ceramic). There are many ecological issues with mining these metals, including radioactive waste and toxic chemicals leaching into rivers and lakes.
Replacing magnetic pickups with solar panels solves this problem because silicon is one of the most abundant elements on earth, so there is no need to mine it. The only energy required to manufacture solar panels comes from nuclear power plants or hydroelectric dams, which are much cleaner than coal-burning power plants and
Solar Guitars were founded by Ola Englund, a well known Swedish metal guitarist and former member of bands like Feared and The Haunted.
The solar guitar is based on the Feared design with some unique features:
SOLAR GUITARS are crafted for the modern guitar player. Easy to play, fast necks and low string action. But most importantly – built to last!
The SOLAR Guitars A1.6F ATM is a unique instrument that will be your best friend – no matter what genre you play!
The electric guitar is a quintessentially American invention. (So of course, the first ones were made in Hawaii.)
The idea of an electrified instrument that could be amplified was first put into practice in the late 1920s, but it wasn’t until the mid-1930s that successful, mass-produced electric guitars hit the market. The first electric guitar to gain widespread attention was the Rickenbacker Bakelite “frying pan,” introduced in 1931. With its flat body and neck and head mounted on a separate piece of wood, this guitar looked more like an upright bass than a modern guitar. The main body of what we now call the electric guitar can be traced back to a solid-body Spanish guitar called the Frying Pan made in Los Angeles by Adolph Rickenbacker and George Fullerton around 1932. But it didn’t catch on with country musicians until 1934, when Western swing bandleader Alvino Rey began using one as his primary instrument.
Electric guitars have been mainly solid bodies since the 1950s, most notably in the Gibson Les Paul and Fender Stratocaster, which are enduringly popular. Today there are an array of nearly identical solid-body guitars from many different manufacturers; Gibson’s are gone for now but have recently been revived
In the late 1960s, a new interconnected system of transportation and communication emerged that made it possible for people to live anywhere in the United States and work anywhere else. In a way, this “system” was an extension of the highway system, which had itself been built with a large investment from the federal government. The difference between the two systems was that all highways looked alike, but the new system consisted of thousands of components designed by different companies.
The new system became known as “the Internet.” It was actually 3 separate networks, called ARPANET, BITNET, and Usenet. These networks were linked together by slow telephone lines; today’s Internet is much faster because it uses fiber optic cables instead. But even though it’s faster and cheaper, today’s Internet is still basically the same thing as the old one: an interconnected system of computers.
The idea behind these systems was to make it easier for people to communicate and collaborate on projects without having to meet face-to-face or wait for mail to arrive by truck or plane. And they worked: in just a few years, these networks transformed how we do business, learn about news events around the world, and connect with friends far away from us physically but close at heart.