The Dsus2 chord is one of the most important chords in music. It’s a beautiful sounding chord that can be played many different ways. The dsus2 is an open-voiced chord with the notes D, G and A. The sus2 stands for suspended second, meaning that there is no major or minor third in the chord.
The Dsus2 chord is used in many different styles of music, from pop and rock to jazz and classical. It can be heard in songs by artists like Coldplay, Eric Clapton, John Mayer and more. This article will go into detail about what makes up the dsus2 chord and how it’s used in songs.
In music, the term dsus2 (or simply sus2) refers to a chord that is formed by playing the first, second and fifth degrees of the major scale. For example, in C Major, Dsus2 consists of D, E and A. The name “Dsus2” can be broken down as follows: the “D” indicates which note the chord is built on; the “sus2” indicates that it is a suspended second chord.
The fifth degree of any given major scale (called the “dominant”) naturally resolves to the first degree (called the “tonic”). In this regard, chords such as Dsus2 are called “suspended” because they temporarily suspend or delay resolution to the tonic (C). Thus, while most chords progress naturally towards resolution in their respective key, suspended chords introduce a bit of tension and suspense.
The addition of harmony to a melody adds depth and color to a song, and different types of chords evoke different feelings. Because suspended chords introduce tension into a piece, they have a tendency to create an unsettled or uneasy feeling when used in a song. However, this can be used to great effect
The dsus2 chord is a pretty simple chord. It’s built by stacking the intervals of a major third and a perfect fifth on top of the root note. However, it has that little 2 written after it. So what does this mean?
The 2 means you’re playing a suspended chord. The sus2 chord replaces the third with the second of the major scale. This creates a dissonant sound because you’re now playing two notes that are one semitone apart. If you were to play a A5 power chord, it would have an A (root) and an E (fifth). A dsus2 would have an A and a B.
Suspended chords are used to add some tension to your music, so it doesn’t sound too happy all the time. They help create movement in your songs and make them more interesting to listen to.
DSUS2. What is it? How do you use it? Well, I’m glad you asked!
DSUS2 is a guitar chord that is used in many popular songs, in many different genres. It’s a very versatile chord and can be used for rhythm strumming, lead guitar or even slide guitar.
I first learned about this chord when I was playing an Oasis song on my guitar, I believe it was “Supersonic” which uses the DSUS2 on its verse chords. When I looked at the chord chart, I noticed that this wasn’t just your standard major or minor chord. There were some weird numbers above the notes. The shape of the chord looked sort of like an F-chord with a couple of fingers missing… hmm…
I asked my teacher what this strange looking chord was called and what it meant, and he told me that it was a suspended second (or DSUS2) and that it was almost like a major or minor chord, except one of its notes was different. He said to think about it as being like a D7sus4 with no 7th degree in the scale (and of course no 4th degree).
The trick to remembering this chord is to look at
A suspension is a musical term that refers to a note in the melody or harmony that is held over from the previous chord. The Dsus2 is a type of suspended chord because the second note of the D major scale (E) is held over from the previous chord.
The Dsus2 can be played with a full triad or with single notes.
Dsus2 is an interesting chord. It is sometimes confused with D major, because the root note is D and there are no sharps or flats in the chord. However, a Dsus2 actually contains a B natural rather than a Bb.
The sus2 comes from the word suspended 2nd. The 2nd note in the scale of D major is E. When you play a Dsus2, you actually omit that 2nd note and play the 4th note instead (G). In essence, you are suspending the 2nd note and replacing it with the 4th.
Common Sus2 Chords:
Dsus2 – root on the 5th string
Asus2 – root on the 3rd string
Gsus2 – root on the 5th string
A sus2 chord is a major chord with the second note of the scale in the bass. In C, this would be D. The basic form of a sus2 chord is: Root, Second, Fifth. In the key of C, this would be C, D, G. This would then make it a Csus2 or a Dsus2 chord if you play it on a different inversion (the root note is now on the fifth string).
A common misunderstanding is that you are to play a sus4 chord with the fourth note of the scale in the bass. This isn’t correct because you have already doubled up on notes (C, F, G). It is also very hard to play with only 3 fingers on your fretting hand unless you use barre chords (which I will explain in another post).
When playing a sus2 chord, you can add to its flavor by adding an octave to it. You can do this by playing both the octave and root note or just adding it as an extension to one of your other fingers.