Senior executive at a large technology company. Previously held senior positions at a number of other large technology companies. Runs a blog called “Three Common Lies You Might Think Are True.”
In the blog I talk about common lies told in business and personal interactions.
My bio ends with “I run a blog called ‘Three Common Lies You Might Think Are True’.” That’s because I think it’s important to get people to start thinking about what they say and how they say it, especially in emails and phone calls, which are impersonal and easy to misinterpret.
Here are three examples:
1. The lie: “I haven’t had a chance to look at that yet.”
What it really means: “I don’t want to get into this now, but you’re not going to like my answer.”
2. The lie: “Let me think about that.” What it really means: “Let me find a way out of this conversation.”
3. The lie: “I’ll have to check on that.” What it really means: “That’s probably going to require more work than I thought; I’ll try to avoid doing it if I can.”
The best way to deal with these situations is simply to ask people why they’re saying what
Three Common Lies You Might Think Are True
Have you ever been lied to? I think we all have. The purpose of this blog is to talk about common lies told in business and personal interactions. The three lies that we will talk about are:
1. I don’t want anything from you.
2. It’s not about the money, it’s about the principle.
3. I’m the type of person who…
The first lie is often told by sales people or anyone trying to sell you something. They might say, “I’m not trying to sell you anything.” Then they go on for an hour trying to sell you something. Or a friend might say, “I don’t want anything from you” before asking for a favor. An ex-girlfriend or boyfriend might say “I’m not looking for a relationship.” And then they are spending all their time with you and talking about how much they like you. Don’t believe them! If they are saying it, there is probably some hidden agenda that they aren’t telling you about. And if there isn’t one now, there probably will be soon! Be very wary of people who claim not to want anything from you!
The second lie is often used by people who are trying
There are so many lies in our everyday life. It is hard to know what is true or false. Here at Three Common Lies You Might Think Are True, we strive to debunk the most popular lies that people are still trying to spread today.
Three Common Lies You Might Think Are True was started by Mark Tremonti, a member of the band Alter Bridge. In his spare time from playing sold-out rock shows, he realized that there were so many lies in the world that needed to be addressed. He created this site for all of us who have been victims of lies and have wanted to do something about it.
I was shocked to learn this week that the link I provided in a recent post is the source of a common lie! The article is about common lies people tell each other, and one of those lies is that you have to have an expensive degree to get a high paying job.
I’m not sure why they didn’t put “high-paying” in quotes, but my guess is that it was unintentional. The article also mentions that some of these lies are told by employers as a way to avoid paying good salaries to their employees. That’s probably the reason behind the lie. But I don’t think it’s because people are trying to lie. It’s likely more likely that they’re just trying to make themselves feel better about their own situation and pass on some false hope for others in the same boat.
I’m not sure if the author of this article would agree with me, but I think it’s important to understand how your own biases influence what you say and write. I don’t think she intentionally lied, but it does make me wonder about her motivations for writing this article in the first place.
The third lie I want to talk about is when someone says they will do something and they don’t follow through. People lie about this all the time! They tell you they will do something, and then they just don’t do it. And sometimes you might feel like it’s not that big of a deal. But I can tell you from personal experience, it is a big deal. So if you make a promise, do everything in your power to keep that promise. This is especially true in business relationships. If you say you’re going to get something done by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, then get it done by 5 p.m. on Tuesday. If you say you’re going to have a new product ready for launch on October 15th, then have it ready by October 15th! In business, if people can’t trust that you’re going to deliver what you say you’re going to deliver, then your reputation gets ruined and your business fails.”
I know this sounds harsh, but it is true. Most people lie when it matters most.
Don’t believe me? I have a few examples to prove my point.
Let’s start with the small lies. Have you ever lied to get out of a social situation? If you have, don’t worry you’re not alone. The next time you don’t want to go somewhere, be honest and tell them no! It will feel so much better than making up an excuse.
Have you ever lied to cover up your own mistakes at work? I know I have. It probably seems like the right thing to do in a stressful situation, but trust me, lying is never the right answer in a professional setting. You should always take responsibility for your actions and own up for what you did or didn’t do.
Lastly, how about personal relationships? Have you ever told someone that they looked good even though they didn’t? Or maybe denied being upset when you really were? This one may seem harmless, but it’s actually one of the worst lies you can tell. Honesty is the best policy and lying doesn’t get you anywhere in the long run.
I don’t know if my friends and family are lying to me, and I don’t know if they think they’re lying to me. I do know that when they insist they aren’t lying to me, they aren’t lying. But I also know that the last time they said something like this, they were lying to me.
We all lie. We all lie a lot. But we almost never lie about lying without good reason. So what’s the good reason? Why do people who claim not to be lying so often turn out to be lying? The answer is that our culture has no concept of a “white” lie; i.e., a lie told for the benefit of others (and therefore harmless). White lies are unthinkable because our culture obsesses about truthfulness and honesty, yet at the same time it obsesses about self-esteem, approval from others, and personal appearance.
To those who believe in absolute truthfulness and honesty, white lies are logically impossible. If you insist on believing in absolute truthfulness, you will go on denying that white lies exist – even after you’ve found out you’ve been lied to! This creates an interesting situation: if someone denies having lied to you knowing full well that he just did lie to you,