The Best Option for Learning Jazz Guitar

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The Best Option for Learning Jazz Guitar: A blog around the best way to learn jazz guitar.

This site contains PDF eBooks and video lessons that cover everything from jazz chords and progressions, bebop soloing, transformation of major scales, and much more.

Download over 100 PDF eBooks, more than 50 hours of video lessons, and practice material that will get you jamming fast.

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If you’re looking for a website around the best way to learn jazz guitar, you’ve found it. I’m not going to try and sell you anything, but I’m going to give you my opinion on the best way to learn jazz guitar based on my experience as a student, teacher, and player.

Everyone from Stanley Jordan to Pat Martino has something to offer. The trick is deciding which direction will be most beneficial for what type of player you want to be.

There are lots of different ways to play jazz guitar and many approaches that will help you get there. Deciding what type of player you want to be and defining your goals before choosing a method is critical in determining the best way to learn jazz guitar.

I was fortunate enough to study with some amazing players and educators during my time at the University of North Texas. If you don’t know who they are, do yourself a favor and look them up: Fred Hamilton, Dan Haerle, Ed Soph… these people have dedicated their lives to teaching music and can play circles around most people on this planet.

Jazz Guitar Lessons

How to Learn Jazz Guitar: The best way to learn jazz guitar is to pursue all areas of jazz guitar study at the same time, while focusing on the one that inspires you the most.

What does this mean? There are 5 main areas of study for jazz guitarists to pursue. They are: Jazz Standards, Jazz Concepts, Solo Transcriptions, Ear Training and Jazz Repertoire.

The only way to learn jazz guitar is through a combination of all five of these areas. You can’t just focus on standards and expect to get anywhere as a player. You can’t just focus on transcribing solos and expect to be able to play with other musicians. And you can’t just focus on theory and expect to truly understand how it applies in the real world.

It’s only when you combine all 5 areas together that you can become a truly well-rounded player. This site will provide you with guides for each area, including individual lessons and practice materials for each topic.

Just below I have provided links for each topic, which will take you directly to the guide for that area of study. I recommend bookmarking this page so you can come back here again at any time!

The goal of this blog is to share my experiences with learning jazz guitar, and to help

others. If you are looking to learn jazz guitar, please take a look around and read the articles I have posted.

If you have any questions, or would like to add anything, feel free to leave comments.

I am a jazz guitarist, teacher and author from Sydney, Australia and I started this blog in 2010 to share my knowledge about jazz guitar with the world. My goal is to help you become a great jazz guitarist!

I have been playing guitar for over 20 years and teaching guitar for over 13 years. I have taught hundreds of students, written over 100 articles for magazines such as Guitar Player, Guitar World and Acoustic Guitar, and released 7 instructional products including my first book Jazz Guitar For Dummies in 2012.

Jazz guitar is a great style of music to learn. If you are new to the genre, this guide will give you some insight into how to begin your jazz guitar journey.

I was first introduced to jazz guitar when I was in high school. At that time, the style of music was still relatively new to me. My knowledge of the guitar was limited at best and I did not know much about playing it in any genre.

As time went on, I began to find out more about what it took to play jazz guitar. This article is designed for beginner jazz guitarists who have no idea where to start their learning process.

Here are some things that you need to know before getting started:

The main difference between a traditional chord progression and a jazz chord progression is the way chords are used. A traditional chord progression consists of 3 chords: I-IV-VIM7 (major 7th), ii-V7-I(minor 7th), and vi-ii-V7 (minor 7th). The vi-ii-V7 chord progression uses chords that are diatonic to the key of A major.

A jazz chord progression consists of 6 or more chords: I-VI(major 7th), II(major

When I first began studying jazz guitar, I learned from a great teacher. He showed me all of the basics, how to read music notation and chord symbols, scales and arpeggios and how to play them over changes, and a bunch of cool repertoire.

The problem with learning this way was that it was very difficult. To really learn these concepts takes time; time that I didn’t have back then. So, while I learned some things, there were some huge gaps in my knowledge.

I didn’t know it at the time but there is a much easier way to learn jazz guitar. It’s what I call “conceptual learning”. And in this article you’ll learn exactly what that is and why this is the best option for learning jazz guitar.

Conceptual Learning Explained

In a nutshell, conceptual learning is when you study ideas instead of specific techniques. If you look at many of the techniques commonly used in jazz guitar playing (and other areas too) they are actually based on one or more concepts. For example:

Playing arpeggios over chords is based on the idea that melody is more important than harmony in jazz.

Using chord substitutions is based on the idea that songs are built from common harmonic patterns.


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