I am a luthier and I have the best job in the world. Building musical instruments is a craft that goes back thousands of years. The process of making a musical instrument is very difficult, but it also very rewarding. I have been making musical instruments for over 20 years and I still love what I do every day.
Making a musical instrument takes time, patience and skill. It requires an understanding of woodworking, metalwork, electronics, acoustics and physics. It also requires an artistic sense to transform the raw materials into a beautiful piece of art.
I started this blog with the goal of sharing my knowledge about how to make music with luthier: A blog about the process of making a musical instrument.
Luthier is a tool for building musical instruments. A luthier makes musical instruments by hand. You can use Luthier to make musical instruments, too!
Luthier is a language for describing how to build musical instruments. If you know how to speak and write English (or whatever your native language is), you already know how to speak and write Luthier.
You can learn out more about Luthier by reading this blog, or by going directly to the Luthier User’s Guide.
I have recently been obsessed with making musical instruments. I have always loved music, but I was not very good at it. So, when I’ve made a few instruments over the past year, I found that they are really fun to play with.
I first started with the violin, and I had a little bit of a hard time getting it right. It was hard to find the right materials for that particular instrument, especially since I only had a small budget and no tools. So, I spent months trying to figure out how to make a violin from scratch. But once I figured it out, everything was so much easier!
So, here is a short guide on how you can make your own violin from scratch!
The main reason why this blog is called “Luthier” is because it means “musician.” And that’s exactly what you’ll be doing for the next few months – making music!
The first step in making your own violin is to get some tools. You’ll need some woodworking tools, like a saw or router, as well as some glue or varnish. You can also buy some cheap violin strings online. For my violin, I bought a set of strings from Amazon for $5 and they worked just fine
I am a maker. I have always enjoyed making things, from model planes to furniture.
I love music and learning new instruments. When I was younger, I often dreamed of being able to play the piano or guitar. Unfortunately, I can’t afford them.
So why not make my own?
This is not as crazy as it sounds. The number of parts needed is small: only 12 strings and 7 frets are required to make an instrument that can play all the notes in a scale. It is possible to build such an instrument with just a few tools and some simple materials like wood and metal wire.
But how do you get started? I’ll guide you through the process step-by-step with pictures and videos so that anyone can follow along at home!
I am a luthier. A luthier is someone who makes stringed instruments (“lute” is the word for an old stringed instrument, and “ier” is a french suffix meaning “one who does something”). I make guitars, among other things.
I’ve been making guitars as a hobby since high school. It’s taken me twenty years to get good enough at it that I can sell them. And now I’m getting ready to give up my day job to do it full-time. So this blog will be a place to keep track of my progress as I make the transition.
In particular, right now I have a huge backlog of orders that need to be filled, and I’m working through those while preparing to start selling instruments full-time. As time goes on, there will be more posts about making musical instruments in general, particularly acoustic guitars. But for now, it’s all about how I manage the transition from working full-time at another job (as a software developer) to working full-time as a luthier.
I started making stringed instruments as a hobby when I was in high school. I found that it was very rewarding to make something so beautiful and functional, with my bare hands. I also liked learning about the science of acoustics and the history behind different designs.
I started this blog to share what I have learned, and also to help me remember things! I hope you find something interesting or useful here…
I’m currently in the process of building a version of this instrument for myself, and I thought it would be fun to document the process here. This will be as much about what I learn along the way as about the instrument itself.
In particular, I want to discuss my choices and decisions at each step, and how they were influenced by what I was learning from the literature, from other people’s instruments, and from my own work with other instruments. There is more than one way to build an instrument, so this may not be the best way — but perhaps someone else will find it interesting or useful.