You’ve bought your guitar amp and you’re starting to get good at using it. Now what? This blog will help you maintain your amp so you can keep rocking.
- Don’t leave your amp on all the time. This will shorten its life.
- Make sure your amp is plugged into a surge protector, not directly into the wall.
- If you have any questions about your amp, please consult the user manual first.
In order to get the most out of your guitar amp, it is important to maintain it properly. This post will cover some basic maintenance steps you can take to keep your guitar amp in top condition.
1. Keep your amp clean.
Keep your amp clean with a soft cloth. If it has been awhile since you cleaned it and there is some dirt or dust build-up, you may want to use an electronic spray cleaner instead of just a cloth. You should also wipe down the outside of the amp as well to remove any dust or grime.
2. Change the tubes regularly.
If you notice that your sound is starting to change, there is probably an issue with one of the tubes inside of the amplifier. It’s a good idea to replace them every three months or so, depending on how often you use it.
3. Make sure all connections are secure before turning on power source
The most important thing you can do to maintain your guitar amp is keep it clean. Over time, dust and grime will accumulate inside the cabinet and on the cone of the speaker. This causes a damping effect that will reduce the bass response of your amp. The amp will be less responsive to volume changes and your tone will be duller. Cleaning your amp regularly is a good idea.
The easiest way to clean your amp is to use an air compressor to blow off the dust and grime. Make sure that you don’t use too much pressure, as this could cause damage to the speaker cone or power tubes in the back of the cabinet. It is best to hold the compressor nozzle about 6 inches away from the surface to ensure that nothing gets damaged through over-pressurization.
After you’ve used the air compressor, it’s a good idea to give all of your knobs and switches a spray with contact cleaner like Caig Deoxit D100L, which you can find at Radio Shack for about $15/can, or online for about $9/can. Contact cleaner helps remove any dirt or corrosion on these parts so that they operate smoothly again. This can make a big difference in how well your amp performs over time and how
There are many things you can do to keep your guitar amp in working order. If you take good care of your guitar amp, it will last a long time.
First, make sure that your guitar amp is always kept in a dry place. If your amp gets wet, it can be damaged. Also, do not leave your amp in the sun for long periods of time. Both of these things can decrease the life of your amp.
Make sure you turn off your amp when you are done using it. This will help it last longer and sound better. Some people think that if they leave their amp on all the time that it will sound better when they use it. This is not true–if anything, leaving the amp on all the time can cause your amp to wear out faster.
You should occasionally clean your guitar amplifier with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. Be careful not to get water inside the amplifier! If you do this regularly, then you won’t have to worry about your guitar amplifier getting dirty or dusty inside.
You spend hours choosing the right guitar, effects and cables. So don’t neglect your amp. If you take care of it, it will take care of you.
Here are some tips to keep your amp working its best:
Clean the exterior of your amp with a microfiber cloth. This will help preserve the finish and keep dust off of the controls.
Use a damp cloth to clean the grille cloth and remove any dust that has accumulated in the corners and crevices of your amp.
If you have a tube amp, always let it cool down before unplugging it, replacing tubes or moving it to another location.
Keep your amp away from direct sunlight, heaters or air conditioners. These can damage the electronics and reduce the lifespan of the tubes.
Don’t leave anything on top of your amp, including drinks (especially drinks) or other electronic equipment. The vibrations from an amplifier can easily cause spills or knock small objects off onto the floor where they could be stepped on or damaged by foot traffic.
If you want your electric guitar to sound its best, you need a good amplifier. The amp doesn’t just amplify the sound of the guitar, it also colors it. You can spend thousands of dollars on an amp and still be disappointed with the sound if you don’t know what you’re looking for. This guide will help you get set up with the perfect rig for your playing style.