Flamenco Guitar Boosts Confidence in Seniors with Alzheimer’s
The Spanish flamenco guitar is used to help alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. It helps to improve their memory and improves their moods.
A study conducted by the University of Salamanca contends that the flamenco guitar is an effective way to treat Alzheimer’s patients. The study showed that music has a very positive effect on brain function and can even increase cognitive abilities, such as learning new things and improving memory. This can be a big help for seniors who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.
This type of treatment is also known as music therapy and has been around for many years. In one study, seniors who were taught how to play the guitar showed improvements in their ability to remember things that they had forgotten before the study started. They also showed better moods and decreased moodiness.
In another study, participants who listened to flamenco music while taking pictures had less anxiety than those who did not listen to any music at all. These studies are just a few of many that have been done using this type of music as a treatment for Alzheimer’s patients.
To learn more about how you can benefit from flamenco guitar therapy, check out my website at www
Flamenco Guitar Boosts Confidence in Seniors with Alzheimer’s
A study by neuroscientists at the University of Montreal has revealed that music is a powerful stimulus for elderly people with dementia. A group of 83 adults between the ages of 65 and 95 with moderate to severe forms of Alzheimer’s took part in the study. The researchers divided them into three groups; one group received no treatment, while the second listened to music and the third attended flamenco guitar lessons. At the end of a six-month period, the researchers discovered that the group who learned to play flamenco had shown significant cognitive improvement compared with those who just listened to music or were not treated at all. The participants who played flamenco also showed increased self-esteem, improved mood and an increase in positive emotions, as well as a decrease in depression. The study found that unlike other types of music, flamenco is highly structured and complex, which may explain why it was so effective at stimulating cognitive activity.
Flamenco Guitar: Origins
The origins of flamenco are uncertain but it is widely believed today that it originated from Andalusia in southern Spain. It is believed that flamenco was influenced by many cultures such as Sephardic
We are a company who makes flamenco guitars and we have found a unique approach to help people with Alzheimer’s disease. We offer our customers to try out the flamenco guitar as a method of treatment which helps to improve their mood and reduce stress in elderly people.
According to the recent research, Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common types of dementia in older people. The symptoms of this disease include memory loss and changes in thinking, behavior and language skills. The main causes of the disease are not yet known but scientists believe that it is somehow connected with abnormal clumps (amyloid plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (neurofibrillary tangles) that form inside the brain cells. As a result, brain cells die and connections between them are broken. That’s why Alzheimer’s patients often experience mood swings and may suddenly become angry or agitated for no obvious reason. The researchers from McGill University in Montréal, Canada, studied the effects of playing the flamenco guitar on cognitive function and well-being in seniors with moderate Alzheimer’s disease.
They gathered a group of participants aged 60 years or older who were diagnosed with moderate Alzheimer’s disease before joining the study. All participants were enrolled into a six
A recent research study from Spain showed the power of music and how it can help to improve the overall mood in people with Alzheimer’s. The study tested out two different types of music therapy, one being flamenco guitar and the other a non-melodic percussion instrument. This was done on patients that were between the ages of 60-88 years old at a nursing home.
The results showed that not only did the patients enjoy listening to both types of music but they also had better moods and became calmer during the time they were listening to the music. Even though flamenco guitar was only one type of music played, researchers say it has been shown to have a calming effect on people who struggle with anxiety and depression.
A study from the University of North Texas found that adults with Alzheimer’s who took flamenco guitar lessons improved their quality of life and had less depression than those who didn’t. The research is small, but the results are promising.
Dr. Kelly Brunstetter, an assistant professor at UNT’s College of Music, led the study in which people with Alzheimer’s took flamenco guitar lessons for a year. Dr. Brunstetter says the results show that flamenco guitar lessons can be a useful non-pharmacological treatment for depression in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
“I think that we have to look at this as complementary alone,” Dr. Brunstetter said, “We certainly don’t want to replace all pharmacological treatments with music.”
In addition to improving quality of life and reducing depression, she says participants showed improvements in other areas like socialization and self-esteem.
“For example, one participant said that he was able to talk with his grandchildren more regularly,” said Dr. Brunstetter, “They were happier when they were visiting him because he could play flamenco guitar for them.”
She says a year is not enough time to see if the positive effects will last longer than a year, so she plans
A guitar is a popular musical instrument classified as a string instrument with anywhere from 4 to 18 strings, usually having 6. The sound is projected either acoustically, using a hollow wooden or plastic and wood box (for an acoustic guitar), or through electrical amplifier and a speaker (for an electric guitar). It is typically played by strumming or plucking the strings with the fingers, thumb or fingernails of the right hand or with a pick while fretting (or pressing against the frets) the strings with the fingers of the left hand. The guitar is used in a wide variety of musical genres worldwide.
The pitch of each consecutive fret is defined at a half-step interval on the chromatic scale. Standard classical guitars have 19 frets and electric guitars between 21 and 24 frets, although guitars have been made with as many as 27 frets.
The word flamenco (in Spanish spelled flamengo), that identifies one of the most typical expressions of popular Spanish music and dance (“cante flamenco”, “baile flamenco”), comes from Flanders, in northwestern Europe. Flamenco was brought to Spain by the Gitanos (“Gypsies”), Calé (“Romani people”) from Rajasthan (
The guitar is a small musical instrument with a flat back and a fretted fingerboard. It can be played by plucking or strumming the strings. Guitars are often made of wood and their strings are made of metal. The word “guitar” comes from the Spanish word guitarra, which was derived from the Greek word kithara. The word kithara was Latinized as cithara to mean an ancient stringed instrument, a lyre. The lyre-like instruments had been known in Europe since the Sumerian era. In ancient times, it was not just music that mattered to people but also the making of instruments. Each instrument was made differently depending on the culture and environment of each group of people.
The guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments in use today. It is used in many different types of music such as rock, jazz, country, bluegrass and folk music. Guitars come in different shapes and sizes, but most have six strings that are tuned to EADGBE (from lowest to highest). The most common type of guitar is called an acoustic guitar because it produces its own sound without amplification or electronic effects added later on during performance or recording sessions. Some guitars have additional strings