Travelling can be a great way to relax and unwind. And what better way to unwind than playing some music? There are many different ways to travel and many different types of guitars out there. The best guitar for you will depend on what type of traveling you’ll be doing, how far you’ll be going, and how much storage space you have.
If you’re staying on the ground or travelling in a car, maybe you should consider a full-sized acoustic guitar or an electric guitar. If you’re flying somewhere, it’s probably best if your guitar is small enough to fit in the overhead compartment.
Here are my top tips for travelling with your guitar:
1. Be careful when carrying your guitar around
2. Consider a travel guitar
3. Ask if you can take it as carry-on luggage
4. Keep it in its case
5. Take some spare strings
The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments and it is a great travelling companion. It allows you to write your own songs, play other people’s music, and entertain yourself and others while you wait around airports.
Not all guitars are created equally, though. If you are going to be taking one with you on your travels it is important to choose wisely. Keep reading for some quick tips on what to look for when choosing a travel guitar and how to make the most of it while you are travelling.
1. Choose a Guitar That Will Fit in Your Bag
Guitars come in different shapes and sizes so it is important to choose one that will fit in your bag without taking up too much space or adding too much weight. Ideally, the guitar should be about the same size as an electric guitar so that it can be stowed away comfortably in your carry-on bag or underneath the seat in front of you if you have a larger suitcase that is being checked at the gate.
2. Look for One That Has a Built-In Tuner
Humidity, heat, cold, and pressure changes can all affect the tuning of a stringed instrument so it is important to have one that has a built-in tun
The idea of travelling with a guitar is extremely tempting: imagine taking your favourite guitar on that dream vacation, to a friend’s house or on a weekend getaway. But the realities of travel can be tough and often mean having to leave your prized instrument at home.
Fortunately, there are some guitars specifically designed for travel and others that are great to take with you on the road. Here are 5 tips for travelling with your guitar:
1) Choose Your Guitar Wisely
Not all guitars are built equally when it comes to travel. Classical guitars have a long neck and low strings, which make them easier to pack. Travel guitars also tend to be lighter and less bulky than other guitars and most (but not all) come with hard-shell cases.
2) Pack It Properly
Even if you have a travel guitar, it’s still important to pack it properly when travelling. Never put the guitar in an overhead compartment, as it may get dropped or thrown around too much. Always keep it close by and protected from any bumps along the way.
3) Don’t Overload Your Bag
Travelling with one bag is ideal but not always possible. If you’re going away for an extended period of time or have other val
You need to try and pick a guitar that is right for you. For example, the size of your hands or the shape of your fingers will determine whether a classical guitar or an electric guitar is right for you. If you are looking to travel with your guitar, then you may be interested in a travel guitar. Some guitars are easier to pack around than others.
When it comes to choosing the best travel guitars, there are many factors to consider such as whether you want to take an electric or acoustic guitar and what sort of sound quality you are looking for. We are here to help with some handy tips on how to determine which travel guitar is best for you.
What’s most important?
Weight: Some people find a lighter guitar easier to transport and less painful on their back! Acoustic guitars tend to be lighter than electric guitars, as they don’t require an amplifier which adds weight. Travel guitars are good options for travelling as they are specially designed for being easily transportable.
Size: If travelling by aeroplane, having a smaller guitar can make it easier to fit in overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you.
On my first trip to Europe, I took my guitar with me. It was a great idea, but I made several mistakes that I could have avoided.
Here are 5 tips for traveling with your guitar:
1. Don’t take your best guitar!
Make sure you travel with your lesser-quality guitar, unless you’re taking it as carry-on luggage and plan on never letting it out of your sight. While you travel, it’s not unusual for baggage to be damaged or lost. The airlines will usually give you a check for the cost of the guitar if it is damaged or lost, but if you put a sentimental value on your guitar (as most of us do), then the money won’t be nearly enough to cover the loss.
2. Purchase an airtight case!
Unless you want to save a few bucks on buying an airtight case, don’t bother buying one which isn’t airtight because they aren’t worth it. You’ll regret it when you open your case in Europe and find condensation on the inside of the case! The moisture will damage your guitar in a way that may not be reversible!
3. Don’t bring any spare strings!
While traveling, I had no intention of replacing my strings because they were
Traveling guitar players need a different kind of guitar than non-travelers. If you’re going to be on the road, you don’t want a guitar that’s too big or heavy, and you don’t want one that has a delicate finish that will get scratched up while traveling.
Here are five tips to help you pick out the right travel guitar:
1. Pick a smaller guitar. It’s common sense, but if you’re going to be carrying your guitar around with you, you don’t want something big and bulky. Smaller guitars are easier to carry on planes and trains and take less space in your car or RV.
2. Choose a durable finish. You might want a beautiful wood-grain finish on your guitar, but if you’re going to be traveling with it, choose something more durable.
3. Consider how it sounds unplugged. Most traveling musicians will probably end up playing their guitars unplugged fairly often—in the park, at parties, etc.—and that means you need to choose an acoustic guitar that still sounds great when it isn’t plugged into an amplifier.
4. Get a pickup installed. You may
1. Find the Right Guitar
It’s important to find a guitar that you like and feel comfortable with, but also one that is practical for travel. You may want to consider a travel guitar, which is typically smaller than a standard guitar and can be broken down into three or four parts. A travel guitar is convenient because it doesn’t take up much space, so you can store it in your suitcase or backpack during your trip. These guitars are also very light in weight, making them easy to carry around if you want to explore a city by foot.
2. Choose What to Bring
If you’re only going on a short trip, try taking just one or two of your favourite guitars with you. Even if you’re planning on being away for several months, remember that it’s better to have one good guitar than several guitars that aren’t as nice. If space and budget allow it, bring an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar with you; this way you can practice both styles of music wherever you go. If this isn’t possible, simply choose one style of guitar to take with you, and don’t forget to pack all of the accessories (guitar picks, strings